RE: Contribution System
How about this approach:
-put most of the roadmap elements to the contributions section,
-assign complexity (which is estimated number of days to finish)
-calculate priority = money_raised / complexity
-I'll start working on everything sorted by highest priority like this:
Feature #1, Complexity=2, Raised=100$, Priority=100$/2=50
Feature #2, Complexity=1, Raised=30$, Priority=30$/1=30
Feature #3, Complexity=10, Raised=200$, Priority=200$/10=20
Because with this approach I'll be working on elements for less money than I want, I reserve the right to work on "element with highest priority" AND "elements of my own choice" at the same time.
So I'll be doing highest priority items, and some other elements up to my own choosing.
Additionally, very complex items, will have an extra parameter "minimum amount of raised money needed to start work".
For example, if at a moment there will be one item on the list:
Feature #1, Complexity=30, Raised=10$, Priority=10$/30=0.33
It would take me 30 days to do this, but I've gathered only 10 bucks, which is obviously not a good deal for me. So complex items, would have the extra parameter, for example:
Feature #1, Complexity=30, Raised=10$, Priority=10$/30=0.33, MinRaised=1000$
I will start working on this item, only if it has gathered 1000$ (and if at that moment it's at the top of the list).
Only very few items will have the 'MinRaised' param, which are those of very big complexity.
Let me know what you think.