What does Controller.update() do?
I'm just wondering how Controller.update() handles velocity internally?
Is it applying the velocity directly to the actor's matrix or is it adding a force, impulse, velocity or acceleration to the internal actor? Is it adjusting velocity by the delta time internally? I assume the controller's actor is not kinematic, so it isn't using the kinematic move functions right?
Can you show the equation it is using? I just want to better understand what is happening.
03-03-2014 12:06 PM |
RE: What does Controller.update() do?
Is Controller using a PhysX Character Controller internally? If so, does it just pass the velocity to PxController::move() as the disp parameter? Is the velocity modified in any way first or passed directly unmodified?
03-05-2014 12:13 AM |
RE: What does Controller.update() do?
I'm not using PhysX character controller, but a regular Actor with a Capsule shape.
what it does:
-adjusts velocities
-detects collisions with the ground
-adjusts the shape on crouch
It's not kinematic
03-05-2014 11:55 PM |
RE: What does Controller.update() do?
OK. Are you able to clarify what you mean by "adjusts velocities?"
I would like to know what happens to the velocity vector from when I pass it to update to when it is applied to the internal actor? Like, are you scaling it by Time.d() for example? Are small velocities ignored, as I notice that they don't seem to move the controller?
Also, when you apply the velocity to the actor, do you use addVel, addImpulse, or something else?
03-06-2014 01:16 AM |
RE: What does Controller.update() do?
You'll be able to see this very soon. I ask for your patience
03-27-2014 09:33 PM |
RE: What does Controller.update() do?
OK, thanks for the update. I will wait.
03-28-2014 02:55 PM |
RE: What does Controller.update() do?
Quote:You'll be able to see this very soon. I ask for your patience
I am now very intrigued!!!
03-28-2014 03:08 PM |