Hello Esenthel ! I found this amazing community and this awesome game engine, and I want to start a little bussines with one of my mate. We are looking for a combination between MMO && Action && Cool.
I downloaded Esenthel and I played a little bit with it, but:
1) Can I make a Full HD game (with super graphics) ?
2) I understand that the map can be very big. Why when I select the size, maximum is 124x124 ?
3) How to make a multiplayer game ? I saw a server.exe but, what does it do ? I want to connect it to a MySQL server, with my own DB structure. So, how can i do?
4) A tutorial for a login form + inventary + game play UI ?
5) A bigginer tutorial for programming..?
6) Why the store isn't working?
7) Why I can't register ? I bring a Forbiden error..
8) I saw some games built with Esenthel, but can I make perhaps, when my character stands, to animate him ? I don't want to a game with characters from stone
9) If this game is multiplayer, how many simultaneous players supports the server ? I need a lot
10) With this engine, can I make a game like League of Legends or Dota for example ? Maybe.. I'll need a game with rooms..
11) With this engine, can I make a game like Counter Strike or Battlefield ?
12) If I have a team with 50 people and we work for a single game, I must buy 50 licenses or only 1 ?
If all the answers are ok for me, I will buy tomorrow a license.
Thanks !