I don't know for Ineisis but MMO include basic stuff really helpfull :
-Create a character with basic stuff that other player connected to server can see (synchronized animation).
-Some client / server message and the basic infrastructure for it.
-Inventory network example...
And other things. Really a must have for starting multiplayer games (if you do'nt have the basic Ideas) and a good sand box to learn.
I assume Ineisis is the 2.0 tutorial including advanced stuff : teleportation, spell casting, dynamic world streaming and editing... Do not have it but it's a minecraft -like.
I assume it's also a good learning tool (more advanced) but personnaly I did not took it because it covered much ground than I need (and I like to know exactly what I'm doing so I prefer starting on a much simpler base
So, depdending on what you want, I think you should either take Ineisis or MMO (I think Ineisis cover MMO, but can't be sure
), and anyway I strongly recommend you to take one of them