The best way is to use Memx containers
If you're using your own object classes not based on Game.Obj, then let them have a unique ID:
class OBJ
~OBJ() {_id.zero ();}
OBJ() {_id.randomize();}
C UID & id ()C {return _id ;}
remember to save/load the ID save load methods.
With this ID you can now use the engine's Reference class:
T1(TYPE) struct Reference // Reference, this is a pointer to an object which may be deleted but its memory is still valid and possibly occupied by another object of similar class
// get / set
void clear () {_object=NULL; _object_id.zero (); } // clear reference to NULL
Bool empty ()C {return !_object_id.valid(); } // perform a check if the reference is empty (doesn't want to point to any object at all)
Bool valid ()C {return _object && _object->id()==_object_id;} // perform a check if the reference is valid (points to an existing object with matching id)
TYPE* validPtr ()C {return valid() ? _object : NULL ;} // return a pointer to object that is valid
C UID & objectID ()C {return _object_id ;} // return a object ID
TYPE& operator()()C {return *_object ;} // return a reference to object, usage of this method must be preceded by performing a reference validation using 'valid' method
TYPE* operator->()C {return _object ;} // return a reference to object, usage of this method must be preceded by performing a reference validation using 'valid' method
// compare
T1(OBJECT) Bool operator==(OBJECT *object)C {return T._object== object && (object ? T._object_id== object->id() : true );} // if reference points to 'object'
T1(OBJECT) Bool operator==(OBJECT &object)C {return T._object== &object && T._object_id== object .id() ;} // if reference points to 'object'
T1(TYPE2 ) Bool operator==(Reference<TYPE2> &ref )C {return T._object==ref._object && T._object_id==ref._object_id ;} // if references are equal
T1(OBJECT) Bool operator!=(OBJECT *object)C {return T._object!= object || (object ? T._object_id!= object->id() : false);} // if reference doesn't point to 'object'
T1(OBJECT) Bool operator!=(OBJECT &object)C {return T._object!= &object || T._object_id!= object .id() ;} // if reference doesn't point to 'object'
T1(TYPE2 ) Bool operator!=(Reference<TYPE2> &ref )C {return T._object!=ref._object || T._object_id!=ref._object_id ;} // if references are not equal
// io
void save(File &f)C; // save 'object_id'
Bool load(File &f) ; // load 'object_id' and set 'object' pointer to NULL, actual linking pointer to the object should be performed later using 'link' method
// link
void link(); // link the reference with existing World object, this method should be called only inside 'Game::Obj::linkReferences' or 'Game::World.link_references'
// construct
Reference( ) {T._object=NULL; T._object_id.zero();}
Reference(TYPE &obj) {T._object=&obj; T._object_id=obj .id(); }
Reference(TYPE *obj) {T._object= obj; if(obj)T._object_id=obj->id();else T._object_id.zero();}
TYPE *_object;
UID _object_id;
Thanks to Reference you can even try referencing the game object even after it's gone!
It's valid and validPtr methods will just return false and NULL.
This is the best way!
Do not use Memc because the memory addresses / indexes may change.
This approach is done across the engine, and I'm using it for my own projects.