How can I preorder Dungeon Hero RPG?
Greg is working on a game, Dungeon Hero, I've seen some screenshots on Facebook and it looks so beautiful! At the moment I haven't money to buy a source license and to buy a better PC, but I would like to support the development by getting Dungeon Hero RPG!
@Greg-> Is there any way to preorder this beautiful game?
03-05-2015 08:01 PM |
RE: How can I preorder Dungeon Hero RPG?
Hi sabino! thank you very much for your interest in helping out
I hope to release the game as a free download, with the option of some in-app purchases.
The optimistic version of release date, is that it will appear on App store and Google Play in a few weeks
03-05-2015 10:02 PM |
RE: How can I preorder Dungeon Hero RPG?
Will we be able to buy source code versions at some point?
03-05-2015 10:34 PM |
RE: How can I preorder Dungeon Hero RPG?
Will the game be avalaible for Desktop too?
03-05-2015 10:36 PM |
RE: How can I preorder Dungeon Hero RPG?
I can't wait! Please notify us when it's avalaible.
PS. I'm able to run Esenthel RPG at low settings on my ATI X1550 (512 MB & OpenGL 2.1). Will I be able to play Dungeon Hero too?
Congratulation for thegame again. Please upload a video on youtube to popularize it and Esenthel Engine too!
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2015 09:32 PM by sabino.)
03-09-2015 09:31 PM |
RE: How can I preorder Dungeon Hero RPG?
The new game should work even faster as it's designed for mobiles, and doesn't use shadows.
There will be a video once the game is finished
03-09-2015 10:30 PM |