Normal maps look bad
Hi, Esenthel!
I made a normal map for my object in xNormal. Its size is 2048x2048, baked in max quality. xNormal has a built-in mesh viewer and the map looks great in it. But when I load it in the Mesh Editor it looks terrible. I changed the settings of the material but nothing works. Here are some screenshots:
Object without normal map (in xNormal):
Object with normal map (in xNormal):
Object with normal map (in Mesh Editor):
What's the problem with the Mesh Editor? :(
04-01-2009 12:38 AM |
Re: Normal maps look bad
I don't see exactly what's the problem. you've got some different lighting in the Mesh Editor, but that can be easily changed.
I can take a look on the model and normal map if you want.
04-01-2009 12:45 AM |
Re: Normal maps look bad
The low-poly model looks in xNormal exactly like the hi-poly one, I mean the edges are more sharper and smoother. The problem is, in the Mesh Editor you can see that the model has a normal map but the edges are not sharp, and there are artefacts, like if the map was badly made.
I'll send you an email with my object and the normal map, you will see, what I mean.
04-01-2009 01:31 PM |
Re: Normal maps look bad
Thanks, I'll check it out.
04-01-2009 02:40 PM |
Re: Normal maps look bad
I've checked your files.
What you can do is this:
1. Disable Binormals (Menu\Material\Tangents and Binormals\remove binormals)
2. Disable texture compressio in Material Edit window, and drag and drop the file again
3. Alternatively try to push "X" "Y" buttons in material edit window to change normal textures X/Y orientation (there are total 4 combinations)
04-01-2009 03:04 PM |
Re: Normal maps look bad
Yessss! Y-flipping is what it needed
And the first two steps increased the quality of the normal map.
Tried it with an .X model, and it looks even better than the .OBJ -> one more reason to use .X models.
Thanx a lot, Esenthel! That was a great help (as always)
04-01-2009 03:37 PM |