[SOLVED] RGB to HSB conversion formula
I was trying to make gradient interpolator with base colour and it's brightness modifications - dark-dark blue, dark blue etc., but faced a problem that Esenthel RGB to HSB conversion doesn't match regular conversion.
RBG = (26, 23, 57); this is dark-dark blue
regular HSB/HSV = (245, 0.6, 0.22)
regular HSL = (245, 0.43, 0.16)
Esenthel = (0.6, 0.59, 57)
By the way, RGB -> EE -> RGB work correctly.
By using ColorPicker I figured, that it is HSL (albeit it is not, see example above) with [0; 255] HSL constrains.
But RgbToHSB function returns result in ([0; 1], [0; 1], [0; 255]) constraint form.
So I'm curious what is real formula?
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2015 11:04 AM by Hokan.)
07-25-2015 11:35 AM |
RE: RGB to HSB conversion formula
I've just checked and my formulas match Photoshop. (PS uses 0..360 scale for H, and 0..100 for SB, while Esenthel operates on 0..1 float scale and 0..255 byte scale)
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07-25-2015 11:23 PM |
RE: RGB to HSB conversion formula
Thanks for answer, I'm not a source licence owner, but it seems that EE conversion works like:
RGB -> regular HSB/HSV -> (h, s, v)
EE_h = h / 360
EE_s = s
EE_v = v * 255
Consider this question solved
07-26-2015 11:04 AM |