Goodness gracious, I am so happy I think I am gonna have to cry!
Not just that the engine actually works perfectly on Linux, you have actually created a fairly! decent! game-engine! Dude!
I think I must have invested like 12h or so and I have a basic test map, and a player actually running around inside it. Amazing.
I dug through all the included tutorial content (which I think is awesome that you deliver it!) and was able to patch together a WoW type of mouse navigation. This becomes truly unbelievable if you consider that I have never written any C++ before, except perhaps a hello world tutorial or so. As a matter of fact, let me throw my nav into gists so I can get some feedback in order to improve my learning progress. It's nothing big, I just copy+pasted it together pretty much.
Granted, there is no collision detection on the camera yet. That's up next!
Compared to my one-month-subscription for UE4, this is mind-blowing! I am overly happy to have supported you and am definitely considering to continue doing so on a regular basis.
Forget 2-3 seconds... the engine loads in less than half a second. A project (even a tutorial project with some amount of content to it) loads in less than a second. The interface is clean! It's clean and intuitive to use. Nothing has ever hung for me so far! No hung up background thread blocking the entire GUI. It feels like you seem to really know what you are doing when you are writing code, Sir. I've seen open-source code not behaving this clean and straight-forward, but then again... I haven't looked at the code of the engine yet.
But nothing in this world is perfect and so I did notice some downsides, which I will happily share with you hoping you'll consider improving them sometime in the future.
My biggest issue is
# grep name /proc/cpuinfo
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
# cat /proc/loadavg
1.70 1.74 1.65 3/391 19735
# cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
The 90000 stands for 90 degree Celsius. In comparison to around 30-35 degrees when Esenthel is not running and 99 degrees when I am compiling code with five build threads.
When actually working with the engine - rather than writing forum posts - my temperature usually balances at 98-99 degrees when using Esenthel. My laptop has halted due to overheat protection twice since using the engine. That happens at 100-101 degrees and hasn't happened before using Esenthel. Even now when the engine doesn't even have focus and I am in my browser the load is up and the temp around 90 degrees. I see room for improvements here. Running hot is OK. Overheat-protection kicking in is not so good. It actually corrupted my shell's history file the last time it happened.
All in all: I am hooked!