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Windows 10
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Esenthel Offline

Post: #1
Windows 10
Who has upgraded?

I just did grin
07-31-2015 11:22 AM
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kreathyon Offline

Post: #2
RE: Windows 10
Reserved but not received for this moment smile
07-31-2015 11:42 AM
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Zervox Offline
Bronze Supporter

Post: #3
RE: Windows 10
I am sitting on the fence until DX12 got some games out. pfft
07-31-2015 11:51 AM
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para Offline

Post: #4
RE: Windows 10
Wow win8 was short lived... I'm still on XP and 7.. I'll probably wait till near the end of the first years free upgrade period, to see if they announce win11 or it turns out that 10 is the new 7/XP.. (don't want another vista or 8 upgrade experience).

The only feature i'm excited about really, is the new directx, don't care about cortana, edge, nor face recognition logins..
07-31-2015 12:00 PM
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Ezequel Offline

Post: #5
RE: Windows 10
Are you happy with the update, Esenthel?
I've not received it yet, I'm curious towards the "multiple desktops" funtionality, to separate related tasks into their own workspaces.
07-31-2015 03:10 PM
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rstralberg Offline

Post: #6
RE: Windows 10
I'm so happy I'm on Linux smile
07-31-2015 05:03 PM
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3DRaddict Offline

Post: #7
RE: Windows 10
Just installed it on my brand new laptop... no problems. No previously installed apps, so a fresh start.
I've also installed the latest version of Visual Studio (for Windows 10). NOTE: Ensure that you install the free COMMUNITY version as this has all the Win 8.1 SDK DirectX templates for kick-starting game development. Esenthel installation next (when I purchase the binary version)
07-31-2015 05:37 PM
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Zervox Offline
Bronze Supporter

Post: #8
RE: Windows 10
Sounds good 3DRaddict.

just want to add, DirectX SDK has been included with all versions since VS2012. smile
Of course I would very much recommend VS2013 or VS2015 community editions. smile
07-31-2015 06:34 PM
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Rofar Offline

Post: #9
RE: Windows 10
I upgraded yesterday. It's okay I guess. Unlike many, I actually liked Windows 8.1. I suppose when I get used to Windows 10, I will be fine with it. Haven't had any problems with it yet at least.
07-31-2015 10:36 PM
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Esenthel Offline

Post: #10
RE: Windows 10
I was surprised to discover that all apps I've tested so far work without issues and without having to reinstall them.

There is a way to force the upgrade now which I've used:
Quote:you can try also this open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpg​rade, then create a new value dword 32 and call it AllowOSUpgrade then put the value to 0x00000001 and launch windows update.
08-01-2015 01:44 AM
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