This error could be because you've used SVN to synchronize the project, and not Esenthel Server.
The Editor on Windows/Mac loads files directly from the "Project/Game" folder.
So even if the element is not listed in the "Project/Data" project file, but the element's file is located in "Project/Game", then Editor will display the object.
However when the Editor publishes apps (or build for mobile platforms, as in your case for iOS), then it will not copy all files from "Project/Game", but it will iterate all elements that are stored in the "Project/Data" file (the same elements that you obtain during EditorInterface.getElms), and it will copy only the files of those elements into the published PAK.
This PAK contains the element file data, and is loaded on iOS.
For example you can do this to check if the mesh element is listed in "Project/Data" list of elements:
Write an Application on Windows:
UID mesh_id=ObjectPtr(uid)->mesh().id(); // get the UID of the mesh element
then connect to the Editor using Editor Inferface:
if(!Edit::FindElm(elms, mesh_id))Exit("This mesh is not listed in the Project");
In short:
-having just file present in "Project/Game" is not enough
-you need to have this element listed in the list of elements, stored in the "Project/Data" file, because only then the Editor will include element's files when publishing (or building for Mobile platforms)
-you can't use SVN to synchronize the project
-you need to use Esenthel Editor + Esenthel Server
If that's indeed the issue, that the mesh element is not listed in the "Project/Data" list of elements, then I recommend:
-removing existing "object" element from the Editor (just right-click and select remove)
-create a completely new object, and use it instead of the old one
-however you need to start using Esenthel Server for synchronization of the project.
Please let me know if you need more help.