Mod support?
Assuming that someone has built a game using the engine and it's out. Would it be possible to offer modding support and tools to the game community? The question goes both about licensing but also the tech capabilities of the engine given that the actual data isn't humanly readable in their UID form. I'd expect a modder to be able to port something as a plugin without the need to recompile the game executable.
(This post was last modified: 04-06-2020 10:25 AM by Ioannis.)
04-06-2020 10:24 AM |
04-06-2020 01:47 PM |
RE: Mod support?
Thanks for the links! Really nice to get a better understanding of the system! I see the benefits and they're very welcome. I think it'd be nice if it was an optional feature though as data transparency is often a requirement for certain projets. This is by no means a complain or request. Just sharing my thoughts on the topic
04-06-2020 10:23 PM |