Movable Window - Also from children?
In some of the interfaces I created, I overlay a complete imagine over an empty and transparant window to get the desired outcome without too much hassle. However, as an image overlays the window element underneath the completed interface can no longer be moved.
My feature request would thus be: If the WIN_MOVABLE flag is enabled on a window, allow the interface as a whole to be dragged to a different location by holding the mouse key over its other elements as well (e.g an image).
04-23-2021 03:46 PM |
RE: Movable Window - Also from children?
To do this with the way the UI works at the moment, is to replace the base UI class that you are trying to modify and override the virtual function of test.
for example
class MyGuiImage : GuiImage
virtual GuiObj* test( GuiPC &gpc, &pos, GuiObj* &mouse_wheel){}
then you can use the replaceImage<MyGuiImage>(); before you load your UI.
this will make it that the image will not be detected by the mouse, and thus be movable.
I understand your request tho, the GUI in EE is a bit peculiar. but just giving a work around for this
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2021 05:00 PM by RedcrowProd.)
04-23-2021 04:58 PM |
RE: Movable Window - Also from children?
So that's where that function in the RPG 2 comes from what I remember
I always wondered what that function came from! Thank you very much for the explanation RedcrowProd! Helps a lot, yet again!
04-23-2021 06:37 PM |