Hi everyone,
Since you asked for update,
Today I finally achieved a milestone with Massiv. (a multiserver, multi-threaded streaming OOM(Object Oriented Messaging) MMORPG middleware engine with a built in database and built in load balancing)
The original code would not compile at all. It was just full of errors when trying to compile in Visual Studio. The second release would not link to any of the other programs because cryptopp lib was incomplete. The makgen files were not configured right. I finally managed to get the right file order into makgen and got that working to compile.
Well, it was all wonderful until I ran the master server last night.

It would throw exception when I started the servers. After hours and hours of tracing code I finally fixed the RSA crash in the core library. The stack was being written over by a function call in massiv_rsa.cpp to create a hash key. I decided to just leave the secondary hash out as it was just scrambling the random time hash again. I will look into it later as it is not that unsecured. It still encrypts communications and will require considerable amount of hacking to bypass it. I traced that bugger for hours though.
Then there was the configuration issues since the package is missing a number of script files so I had to work through that. Good thing this package is well documented.
Now that I have the original demo servers and client working I thought I would give a screen of that progress.
The executables are very small. (under 4 MEG)
This milestone achieved will now allow me to port the demo game to the game engine. I am choosing to test Esenthel Engine SDK.