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Mesh rendering in a viewport
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Qbound Offline

Post: #1
Mesh rendering in a viewport
Hi all,

i created a class for my states like (menu, running, intro etc)
and i use a factory for my objects like (items, chars etc)

when i try to render my selected char in my viewport where the player selects his wanted char for the game (like the menu in RPG2) then i have a problem to render the character or better said the meshes.

The mesh is successfully loaded (checked witht the boolean from load) thereafter the skeleton is loaded.

    // Load the Mesh
    if( m_MeshBase.load( _strMesh.c_str() ) )
        // We found the mesh now load the bones


while doing the update the position from the skeleton is set to the wanted position (0,0,0) and just for the test i used MatrixIdentity.

    m_cSkeleton.clear  ().updateMatrix(Matrix().setRotateY(PI).move(Vec( 0.0,0,0)));

the rendering is a little different to normal.

The state_manager calles the rendering of the state this calles the static viewport_render() method of my class. there in i can do anything i want.

void CGAME_OBJECT_CHARACTER::Render( void )
    // Render the blended things Matrix().setPos(Vec(m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_X, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Y, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Z))
    case RM_PREPARE:    
        m_MeshBase.draw( m_cSkeleton );
    case RM_BLEND  :
    case RM_PALETTE:    break;

    //m_MeshBase.draw( MatrixIdentity );


    // Render a box
    Box( 0.5f ,Vec(0,0,0)).draw( RED );
    Box( 1.0,Vec(m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_X, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Y, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Z)).draw(GREEN_DARK);
    Box( 1.5,Vec(m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_X, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Y, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Z)).draw(GREEN_LIGHT);
    Box( 2.0,Vec(m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_X, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Y, m_sDB_OBJECT.fPosition_Z)).draw(GREEN_LIGHT2);


the RM_PREPARE was called and the boxes for debug are rendered.

here is a screenshot.

any hints for me?


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08-25-2010 04:43 PM
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Esenthel Online

Post: #2
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
could you specify what's exactly the problem?
08-25-2010 08:34 PM
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Qbound Offline

Post: #3
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
i can not display the mesh in the area of the boxes which i have loaded.

I thought if i can render the boxes i can render everything.

The mesh is successfully loaded (it is the warrior).

if i use the following
    case RM_PREPARE:    
        //m_MeshBase.draw( MatrixIdentity );
        Meshs("Obj/character/warrior/body.mesh")->draw( MatrixIdentity );
    case RM_BLEND  :
    case RM_PALETTE: break;
then the mesh is rendered in the viewport. I looked into the headers and 'Meshs' is a type of extern Cache<Mesh>; so what is the difference between those two?

m_MeshBase is a Mesh.

any idea?

08-25-2010 10:25 PM
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Zervox Offline

Post: #4
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
Meshes( );

Meshes("Obj/chr/Barbarian_meshskels/Barbarian.mesh" )->draw(NewGame.cskel[1]);
08-25-2010 10:28 PM
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Esenthel Online

Post: #5
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
so m_MeshBase doesn't display but Meshs does?
maybe you delete m_MeshBase somewhere,
you can check m_MeshBase with debugging during rendering, if it has meshlods, and mesh parts
08-25-2010 10:34 PM
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Qbound Offline

Post: #6
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport

many thanks for the tipp with the lods and parts. that brought me on the right track smile

One Question about the meshes. if i create 10 times the same mesh with
Mesh.create( "new_awesome_hero.mesh" ); then internally only 1 mesh is loaded and the others are only references?

here is a little screen.


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08-26-2010 06:40 PM
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Esenthel Online

Post: #7
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
there is no such function : Mesh.create( "new_awesome_hero.mesh" );
08-26-2010 10:35 PM
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Qbound Offline

Post: #8
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport

sorry for the fault function.. (a brainmix)

now my question:
if i LOAD a mesh file like this:
// Load the Mesh
    if( m_MeshBase.load( _strMesh.c_str() ) )
        // We found the mesh now load the bones


And i load this mesh (hero.mesh) 10 times, then internally the mesh is 1 time loaded and 9 times as a reference... correct?

08-27-2010 02:38 PM
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Dynad Offline

Post: #9
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
Yes, the cache in EE is loading all meshes just once. This is because the render is way faster then loading 10x the same mesh and render them individually . So which means if you edit the hero and you have loaded him twice that the edit is performed on both hero's(1 mesh the other 1 is reference).

There is always evil somewhere, you just have to look for it properly.
08-27-2010 04:23 PM
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Qbound Offline

Post: #10
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
thanks for the answer smile

08-27-2010 09:40 PM
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Esenthel Online

Post: #11
RE: Mesh rendering in a viewport
if( m_MeshBase.load( _strMesh.c_str() ) )
this will always reload the mesh (this does not use Meshes cache)

caching is done by:
MeshPtr and Mesh* and Meshes
08-29-2010 01:44 PM
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