I've had a quick play with the code editor for a few minutes and here's my list... would start a new thread, but runewake stole my thread name
1. Font too fuzzy as everyone else has pointed out. Font should be crisp and thin like in VS.
2. The Build Results window pops up over your code and I can't find any way to close it.
3. I tried compile the "Learning the Language" example and it seems to take longer than with VS. Perhaps because it has to generate files and invoke the compiler. Anyway, would good if you could get it on par.
4. Run To Cursor does nothing? Perhaps I'm not using it right or maybe it isn't finished yet?
5. Autocomplete should also work when pressing Tab. VS does and I've become very used to hitting Tab now.
6. At the moment you can click anywhere on a line and start typing at that point leaving a lot of white space on the line. When clicking on a line, the cursor should start flashing either between the two selected characters or at the end of the last character on the line. Therefore if you click half way a long a blank line, the cursor should start flashing at the start of the line.
7. Can indentation be a tab rather than 3 spaces? It is much easier to indent with tabs than hitting the spacebar many times.
8. Also could we get some auto indenting when selecting blank lines. For example, if you click on a blank line inside a method, it should auto indent once, rather than starting at the start of the line as I mentioned in point 6. Also, if you click on a blank line inside an if statement, it would be great if it could auto indent one level deeper than the if statement itself.