Terrain LOD
Terrain LOD
I'm finding that with large worlds, unless you scale the draw distance down considerably that the amount of visible faces reaches critical mass pretty quickly. Terrain level of detail on distant terrain faces would definitely help this out.
11-05-2011 08:15 PM |
11-06-2011 12:24 AM |
RE: Terrain LOD
Bloody awesome!
11-06-2011 02:24 AM |
RE: Terrain LOD
I'll put my vote it for this. depending of the project ad the scale of your world, you may require more or less detail in the terrain. Typically I can use far less detail in the terrain. Especially in the distance.
It would also be great if this could be adjusted in code as well before loading a world. This would allow you to use it in your game's graphics settings. People with high-end computers can then have higher terrain detail and people with lower-end computers can have lower terrain detail. The terrain detail could also be dropped when running on a device (i.e. iphone, andriod) but kept high for the PC or mac.
11-07-2011 01:00 AM |