particles with random image frame on reset
Hello again.
In the particle editor, you can divide an image into frames and set a speed to iterate through them. I think it would be nice if you could set an option to just choose a random part of the image each time a particle resets.
That way, you could set an image with several subimages for variation, instead of having several particle systems on top of each other. Handy for leaves, dirt etc.
I tried just lowering the speed to something like 5 seconds for each frame but that is less ideal because an image can still switch to the next frame while it is right in front of the player. Also a reset of an indiviual particle makes it start over from the first one, not a random one.
I did look for a way to change this behaviour in code, but could not find it.
12-12-2012 10:04 PM |