can you give me some advice how i can make a progress bar with my own numbers inside of it?? i can make it in percents or no number inside or flt which will be either 1,000 and it goes down to 0,000. that is easy.
it s something like progressbar.mode = PROGRESS_REAL or NONE or PERCENT, but how can i set it to my own numbers for exampler flt / flt..
i ve done somthing like this:
1, i made progress bar
2, gave it my image
3, made text and put it to coordinates where progressbar is.
Gui += AIhealthBar.create(Rect_C(0, 0.85, 1.2, 0.04));
AIhealthBar.prog_image = UID(some UID);
Str line;
TextStyle ts; ts.scale=0.04; line =S+100; D.text(ts, 0, D.h()-0.16f, line);
and i know that it could work like this because it is there it s just behind the progress bar.
any ideas how to put it up front?? or some other ideas how to make it work in other way??
thanks in advance.
10-11-2013 08:37 PM |
RE: progressbar
Move "D.text(ts, 0, D.h()-0.16f, line);" after Gui.draw();
10-11-2013 09:08 PM |
RE: progressbar
oh sorry.. i feel dumb when i see simple answer like this...  thank you
10-11-2013 09:17 PM |