While DoF is on, together with motion blur, on the right eye/screen i have this error. It depends on the ambient quality, if the ambient quality is flat, the problem is allmost gone, but still there.. This is how it behaves.
DOF on high, MB on- you get that distortion on the picture
DOF on Enabled, MB on- there is no distortion
DOF on enabled+Use Half render targets, MB on- shadow flickering, and DOF reinitialisation/recalculation on every 60 frames i think..
DOF on High+Use Half render targets, MB on, you get the distirtion as on picture + shadow flickering, and DOF recalculation on every 60
This world shows that more than others, but i get the flickering on other worlds, really annoying and makes you dizzy .. Also, there is no difference to what you set the motion blur to, it allways behaves the same, so i guess the DoF shader creates the problem.