(04-11-2014 12:02 PM)rstralberg Wrote: (04-11-2014 10:01 AM)TheElk Wrote: Hello Esenthel
Since 2.0 is no longer being supported will you be making it so we do not have to be connected to the net to use it.
Thank you
The 2.0 link is there as it always have been.
I have both 2.0 and the new 3.0. They have separate ID's
TheElk isn't talking about the dual 2.0/3.0 problem but about being able to have this 2.0 softwar we all paid and that isn't sold anymore and will never have fix or updates anymore, so there are no real need to protect it with this online connexion anymore.
At worst case, if it get "hacked", just think of it as a better way to make it more known around, as the pirate scene have been doing for ton of software for the past decades, where most successfull and well known app' have been the most pirated.
Since the new Esenthel "as a service" 3.0 isn't really hackable because of the need for account login it would not cause more troubles than what is already possible and please a lot of people currently feeling sorry about losing fix updates.
With this change, you gain ability to work at home on your computer, during voyage on your laptop, mean more flexibility of work.
You still need to unlock the application the first time you install, just not need to have Internet connexion anymore to be able to work (something I find totally stupid and get me angry each time I think about it, being not "online" should be a basic right to anybody >_<)
Also I totally agree with HighTreason : lot of us arn't aiming to sell anything but just want to create our own game.
Private garage game is a hobby like any other, lot of people like this.
A special discount for engine in a "non commercial" licence version (you don't have the right to make a profit with the game you create) would be welcome I think

For all the folk like me and HighTreason that wanna make a game but don't intend to sell it, or schools and students also.
(and thus, don't have the investing capacity of any company .. because I totally agree that 100/200 or even 1000 $ a year is close to nothing for any company, even a little one, and especially if this is the cost of their main working tool).