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The Big update has arrived!
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Esenthel Offline

Post: #1
The Big update has arrived!
Finally I was able to complete all of the new features! lol
If you haven't yet subscribed to the latest version - now is the time!

Please read the full release notes here: http://www.esenthel.com/community/showth...p?tid=8023

And for some highlights:

Rendering Pixel Density
Recently there is a trend for manufacturers to produce devices (laptops, tablets, phones, etc.) with insanely high resolution screens.
For example:
Asus Zenbook NX500 laptop - 15.6 inch, 3840 x 2160
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 - 5.7 inch, 2560 x 1440

While this may be good for 2D sharp text rendering, it may not be good for 3D rendering, as the more pixels you need to process, the slower your game will be.
That's why I've decided to redesign the old super sampling option, which only allowed to increase the rendering resolution, and replace it with new "D.density" option, that allows you to both decrease and increase the rendering resolution. You can specify values from 0.0 to 2.0 range.
For example 0.5 density, will render at 2x lower resolution (when including both width and height, that's 4x less pixels to process!).
You can control how to up-scale the lower resolution image onto the fullscreen, by using bi-linear or bi-cubic filtering, thanks to D.densityFilter function.

Here's an image so you can see how it works, the version on top has pixel density of 1.0, the version below has the density set to very low at 0.25 (for demonstration purposes).


Displaying Rendering Stages
With the new Renderer.stage member you can now request to display certain rendering stages, like unlit color, light, normal, depth, ambient occlusion, lit color, etc.


Greatly Improved Internal Render Target Management
All above features are possible thanks to the fact that the engine now manages render targets in a much better way. This was a complete redesign on the RT system, that's why it took some time to do.
Another benefit that the new system gives, is that now you can display 3D graphics in a 2D Window with full support of Window fade in/fade out effect.


Ambient Occlusion Quality and Performance Improvement
Ambient Occlusion effect has been improved, the codes have been simplified giving performance improvements, tweaked to improve quality, and the renderer can be configured to use 3 resolutions - full, half, quarter. Thanks to the new quarter resolution you can now boost AO performance even more!


Controlling the width of Mesh Outline
Ability to control the width of mesh outline has been added:

[Image: 10708680_849510861749563_2008359226512347353_o.png?dl=1]

Skinning Editor now displays Bone Weights on faces
Previously this was visible only for mesh vertexes, now faces will also be colored properly.


Many more!
Please read the full release notes for many more new features and improvements!

Please Subscribe!
If you haven't yet done so, please subscribe to help making the engine better!

Thanks! smile
10-02-2014 08:24 AM
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Pherael Offline

Post: #2
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Great! I was waiting for this! I see few useful changes grin
10-02-2014 08:38 AM
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Tottel Offline

Post: #3
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Fantastic stuff! Will test when I get home this evening. smile
10-02-2014 09:12 AM
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gdalex Offline

Post: #4
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Very good job, Greg smile
10-02-2014 09:24 AM
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Dalmat Offline

Post: #5
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Nice one, keep them coming smile
10-02-2014 10:07 AM
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Zervox Offline
Bronze Supporter

Post: #6
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Very good update, solid and neat smile
10-02-2014 11:09 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #7
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Some useful updates, thank you smile
10-02-2014 12:36 PM
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Marbasoft Offline

Post: #8
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Wow ! thanks a lot !!
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2014 12:54 PM by Marbasoft.)
10-02-2014 12:53 PM
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SamerK Offline

Post: #9
RE: The Big update has arrived!
very good job Greg. Many Thanks!
10-02-2014 01:10 PM
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MrPi Offline

Post: #10
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Great update, Greg. Especially the density feature seems like it could become very useful to increase performance.
Keep them coming. smile
10-02-2014 01:29 PM
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rstralberg Offline

Post: #11
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Although I haven't tested it yet, it looks great.
So thanks smile
10-02-2014 01:41 PM
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cat555 Offline

Post: #12
RE: The Big update has arrived!
The new density option is just great! I'm testing it right now and allows to increase precious FPS for mobile, in just a slight density decrease, without notice great quality loss...

Great job & thanks smile
10-02-2014 03:03 PM
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Houge Offline

Post: #13
RE: The Big update has arrived!
You rock, Greg!
Thank you very much!
10-02-2014 05:06 PM
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Ezequel Offline

Post: #14
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Awesome updates, great work! smile
10-02-2014 11:39 PM
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Ireheart Offline

Post: #15
RE: The Big update has arrived!
Very happy to see this update.
10-07-2014 11:33 PM
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